Consumer Credit Help
This site will provide you with recommendations on improving your credit and credit score, whether you are shopping for a mortgage, auto or consumer loan.
This site will provide you with recommendations on improving your credit and credit score, whether you are shopping for a mortgage, auto or consumer loan.
Mortgage Bankers Association of America – is the preeminent association representing the real estate finance industry.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – the mission of the CFPB is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans – whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products and services.
Consumer Information Center by the US Government – a one-stop source for answers to questions about consumer problems and government services.
American Bankers Association – the ABA brings together all categories of banking institutions, including community, regional and money center banks and holding companies, as well as savings associations, trust companies and savings banks.
Federal Trade Commission – the Commission seeks to ensure that the nation’s markets function competitively, and are vigorous, efficient, free of undue restrictions.
Fannie Mae – a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) chartered by Congress with a mission to provide liquidity and stability to the U.S. housing and mortgage markets.
Freddie Mac – mission is to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the housing market.
MyFico Credit Score Education and Information provided by Fair Isaac – leading provider of analytics and decision management technology and software.
FTC Consumer Information about Debt Collection FAQ’s – A Guide for Consumers
NMLS Consumer Access – A free service for consumers to confirm that the financial-services company or professional with whom they wish to conduct business is authorized to conduct business in their state.
TED – Bringing together people from three worlds:Technology, Entertainment, Design. TED makes the best talks and performances from TED and partners available to the world, for free.
Zite – Zite evaluates millions of new stories everyday, looking at the type of article, its key attributes and how it is shared across the web. Zite uses this information to match stories to your personal interests and then delivers them automatically to you iPad or iPhone.
Federal Housing Finance Agency – has some very good consumer links related to housing questions.
MyMoney.Gov – is the U.S. government’s website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. Whether you are buying a home, balancing your checkbook, or investing in your 401K, this website can help you maximize your financial decisions.